Sawyer Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Kills Bugs Ticks Trigger Spray 24oz About this item Permethrin spray bonds to fabric fibers for up to 6 weeks or through 6 washings (whichever comes first) won't stain or damage clothing, fabrics, plastics, finished surfaces, or outdoor gear; fragrance free Reduce likelihood of a tick bite by 73.6 times by treating shoes and socks with Permethrin (University of Rhode Island study - 2017); maximize protection by pairing with Sawyer Picaridin topical repellent for the skin Add a layer of protection to your clothing and gear with Permethrin insect and tick repellent spray — perfect for use on shirts, jackets, pants, socks, shoes, boots, sleeping bags, tents, netting, when outdoors, camping, hunting, or on travel Ideal for backpacking, backyard BBQs, hunting, and other outdoor activities, it's effective against more than 55 kinds of insects — from disease-spreading ticks (Lyme) and mosquitoes (West Nile & Zika) to chiggers, spiders, mites, and more Sawyer Permethrin stays effective despite sweat or water, degrades via UV exposure or washing machine agitation; each 24-ounce trigger spray bottle treats 5 outfits (EPA now reconmends 4.5 ounces per outfit consisting of shirt, pants, and socks)